Digital Maturity Assessment

What does a digitally mature business look like? Where do you sit on the spectrum? Knowing where your organisation is on its digital transformation journey is crucial to setting and achieving the right goals to execute on strategy, stay competitive and grow.

Assessment Overview

There are many touch points across the pit-to-port or source to supply channel that can benefit from innovation. Denver Technology’s deep heritage in resources, energy and technology means we can quickly assess and establish digital maturity.

Working with clients, we identify where their gaps and opportunities for growth are. We then provide a roadmap that extends from quick wins to priorities of work for modernisation and optimisation. This includes:

  • Identifying key themes and areas of interest raised by key personnel
  • Evaluation of opportunities that support corporate strategy
  • Quick wins that provide immediate value
  • A report on strategic, tactical and operational opportunities for improvement – including a high-level roadmap and budget estimates
  • Communication/documentation of findings in a way that is readily understood

Our Approach

Following an agile, outcome-based approach, we deliver a Digital Maturity Assessment in four stages:


  • Catalogue of artefacts

  • Digital Maturity Assessment findings report

  • Final Report and associated recommendations

  • Summary presentation

Why Choose Denver?

Industry Specialists

30 years in mining, oil and gas industries means we can act fast and deliver value quickly.

Global Delivery

Our team brings global experience and delivery credibility.

Digital Execution

We work at speed, delivering the value of digital strategy so our clients can focus on their core business.

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